We can all live a good life online


We want to help you to be a smart digital citizen…

The old online safety messages are ineffective. We work with schools, business, charities and communities to empower adults and young people online. From relationships, sexting and bullying, to mental health and misinformation. From data, privacy and cyber security to personal and professional reputation.

Our focus is on helping you to thrive and survive online…


at school

We’ll give you the knowledge, skills and tools you need.

at home

Power up your digital parenting
skills with our confidence-boosting approach.

at work

Keep your organisation and users safe online and protected against attack.

at play

Connect, communicate, stream, play games. Whatever it is, be smart and enjoy it.


Find out how to avoid the pitfalls and grab the opportunities of the digital world. Find out if you are ready to support the digital citizens of the future…ask jess.

We can all live a good life online.
Let’s harness the benefits and
tackle the risks together.

Are you a smart digital citizen?